Return Policy

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 14 days of the original sale date for a full refund or credit, less shipping and handling. After 14 days, only credit will be issued. All returned items must not be used, worn or damaged in any way. Items should have all the original labels attached and the packaging should be intact.

To return your item, please fill out the returns form you received with your original order, and place it in the parcel with the items you wish to return. This allows us to process your refund promptly. The returns form also includes an address label which you can use to address your parcel.

We recommend you use a courier or postal service with a track and trace facility. Please retain your proof of posting until you have received your refund. We will not be responsible for any returned parcel that goes missing in transit.

Once we receive your parcel we will issue a refund, minus the original postage costs, within 7 days. If the item you are returning is faulty, or it was sent in error, then we will refund the cost of the item and also the postage costs